CTRL Meal Replacement Review

CTRL meal replacement review


Today’s review is going to be a little bit different from the usual ones, as we’re going to make a CTRL meal replacement review, instead of the usual drink supplement review. Why? Well, Gamerbulk is supposed to be the number one marketplace on the internet for food & beverage aimed at gamers, so it would be weird not to review a meal replacement every once in a while 😉

So, CTRL – ever heard the name before? CTRL is a healthy food supplement aimed at gamers, which is designed to give your body all the necessary nutrition that it needs in order for you to perform at your best. It contains everything that a body would need during the day, such as proteins, vitamins, fats, carbs, fiber and more. However, no one would like to stuff themselves with a bunch of healthy ingredients if it also didn’t taste good, which is why they put a lot of time and love into making a meal replacement that also tastes phenomenal. 

CTRL works just like a protein shake. You mix it with either water or milk in a shaker and drink, which also makes it a fast meal for those that are in a hurry, or just want something fulfilling quickly!

Now, if you’re new to all this, you would probably like to know a bit more about the product. Lucky for you, in this CTRL meal replacement review – that is exactly what we’re going to do! We’re going to answer some important questions you might have about the brand, as well as highlight CTRL’s ingredients and some other important facts that could be useful for you to know about. Let’s begin!

Frequently asked questions

  1. How many calories does CTRL contain?

One serving with water contains as little as 280 calories, but one serving with fat free skim milk (their example) contains 400. 

  1. How many flavours does CTRL have?

They have a total of 6 different flavours as of now – Apple Smacks, Cinnamon Toast, Fruity Flakes, Cocoa Crunch, Birthday Cake and Cookies N’ Cream.

  1. Is the brand cheap or expensive?

One bag costs $52.99 and comes with 20 servings. The price per meal? $2.65. A much cheaper, AND much healthier alternative than some greasy fast food meal, which will do you no good. When we’ve discussed price in the past, it’s usually been about simple gamer drinks, not complete meal replacements. 

With that said, as of right now, we don’t have many other brands to compare it to. However, compared to non-gamer branded meal replacements like Huel, which is very popular, the price is much cheaper. Plenny is the cheapest alternative, but you only get 10 meals for the price you pay. Our final verdict? CTRL is fairly priced – not too expensive, or too cheap for its own good. 

  1. Is CTRL FDA-Approved? 

The FDA does not approve of any dietary supplements, this includes CTRL. Their product was however made in an FDA-registered, 3rd party audited, cGMP-compliant facility. 

What does CTRL contain? 

Oh, this is where the fun begins! Let’s take you through their list of ingredients to give you an overview of what you can expect. You already knew that it contains 23 grams of protein, 5 grams fiber, 6 grams healthy fats and 33 grams of carbs. But did you know that it also contains:

  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Thiamin
  • Vitamin E
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folate DFE
  • Vitamin B12
  • Biotin
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Chromium
  • Molybdenum

Well? Now you know!

Other Facts

CTRL and their team really managed to make a meal replacement that not only is healthy for you in the long run, but also cheap and tasty! But the flavour, the taste – where does it come from? Funny you should ask!

If you hadn’t noticed it earlier when we pointed out their flavours, they really appreciate the taste of cereal. In fact, their goal was to make each serving of CTRL taste like the bottom of a cereal bowl, which, in case you didn’t know – is the best part while eating cereal!  That’s why their flavours not only taste like cereal, but also CONTAIN pieces of cereal! So if you’re like us and love cereal, this is as good as it’s gonna get.

Why should you get a CTRL meal replacement? 

To decide on, buy, prep and cook meals, especially healthy meals – ain’t nobody got time for that! 

If you suffer from a high fast food intake  – or long periods with no food – due to a busy lifestyle, where just getting time to go grocery shopping is hard as it is, then CTRL is for you. CTRL contains all that a body would need, and more, and takes less than 40 seconds to make. Just scoop, mix, shake and drink, and you’re done!

So, are you living life on the fast lane, and need a meal that can keep up? Then CTRL is for you. 

We hope you enjoyed this CTRL meal replacement review! You can expect more meal replacement reviews in the future. 




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